Employee communications

Employee communications is becoming more common in HR departments across all industries. As the workforce and the nature of work itself are shifting, technology needs to shift with it. See what video communication technology can do for you.

How Animation Enhances Employee Communication Videos

13 July 2017
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Employee communication videos have become the latest fashionable internal communication channel across multiple industries in recent years. These videos and other digital internal communications channels work well because they convey information more easily and with greater efficiency than other, more traditional forms of internal communication and employee engagement. Animated explainer videos are becoming increasingly common because of their power to engage and explain.

While employee communication videos are great for explaining how employees can sign up for healthcare coverage, for example, they can sometimes get lost in the shuffle of the many other videos and communications from management when a new employee joins the team.

Why Employee Communication Videos Can be Better as Animated Explainer Videos

A large part of any employee communication or engagement effort for any business is explaining all the ins and outs of the company and how work is done. When conveying this sometimes dull but useful information, story matters.

A well-planned, animated explainer video produced by a video communication agency is like a short movie with a story. Since the video production crews are experts at creating and using animation, they can manipulate the video to show exactly what you need it to show in a way that’s engaging and even fun to watch.

An animated, funny video is much more engaging than employee communication videos featuring a guy reading a script. The investment in this technology and new method of video production can produce huge pay-offs in the future if the content truly reaches people.

Employee Communication Videos for Customers

Animated explainer videos can not only help employees get the information they need to work effectively, they can also be used for consumer-facing media.

Some of the most memorable commercials are those that tell stories, jokes, and add an element of creativity to their message. Animation is a great way to create these kinds of ads.

There’s a great adage in English departments around the country when professors try to help their students write better: “Show don’t tell.” If a textual description is greatly improved by a short video advertisement, that advertisement is greatly improved by animation and creativity. These videos literally show the employee how to perform tasks or work within the framework of the company, and employee communication videos can show customers why a company’s products and services solve their problems better than others.

It’s About Engagement

In the end, all employee communication videos are about engagement. Using an animation explainer video is a great way to engage with employees and customers and show them the valuable information the company is trying to provide. Animated explainer videos have been shown to increase employee engagement and communication in many places, as well as provide value to prospective customers trying to learn more about a company.

It might seem goofy, it might seem childish, but animation is turning employee communication on its head, in a good way, and organizations that jump on this trend will see the difference it makes.

Ben Renner

Ben Renner is an HR expert, writer, and Senior Editor of the Employee Communications Council. He has lived and managed his own business in Denver, Colorado since 2013. Connect with him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-renner-97708099/

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