Employee communications

Employee communications is becoming more common in HR departments across all industries. As the workforce and the nature of work itself are shifting, technology needs to shift with it. See what video communication technology can do for you.

Video Communication Coming to Conference Rooms Everywhere

07 November 2018
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According to the Nemertes 2018-19 Visual Communication and Collaboration Study, over one-third of organizations are planning to expand video employee communications and conferencing technology in large meeting rooms (10+ people). The study, which examined five hundred companies, found that 20% of large conference rooms have video communications capabilities and that number is expected to rise greatly.

This statistic is largely driven by employee demand because employees expect to be able to use video communications in meetings, particularly remote employees. Video communication is significantly more engaging than simple calls and the demand for a better teamwork experience is coming from employees and upper management alike. Video engages multiple senses at once to grab attention better, makes it much easier to explain complex concepts to large groups of people, and allows for worldwide collaboration in a global digital age.

Why Video Communications are so Important in Conference Rooms

Companies want the best cutting-edge technology to ensure that their conference rooms are used to their fullest capability. Video communications fills that gap by providing an element that is missing from a PowerPoint presentation or conference call. With how high-tech cameras and microphones, your conference room can be your very own corporate movie theatre, projecting presentations and remote speakers with such clarity you could swear they were in the room with you.

More and more companies are making video communication technology and the ability to conference in large meeting spaces a corporate policy requirement for branches around the world. These policies spring from a desire to improve the ability to work with customers, clients, and vendors no matter where they are. Not only is video communication just as effective as in-person meetings, it is more cost-effective. Companies understand that keeping to a good budget bottom line is important, and a one-time investment in video to ease employee communications will pay for itself.

The ability to use video in conference rooms is crucial when supporting your remote workers. This is particularly true for remote employees in a supervisory or leadership role. This technology lets remote employees and senior staff participate fully in meetings. When your employees can all look each other in the eye, the meeting becomes an important human connection that allows creativity and productivity to flow.

How to Set Up Your Conference Room Video Communications

Of course, your company needs to be sure that your conference room video communications system is set up properly. Too little and your system will be insufficient for what your company needs, to much and you end up with waste. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when incorporating video into your conference room:

  • How many people will need to use the video communications at once?
  • How fast is your Internet connection?
  • Have you prepared training materials?
  • Is your setup adjusted for the physical capabilities of your conference room?
  • Is your system difficult to use?
  • Can you integrate with commonly used business tools like Skype, Slack, Dropbox, etc.?
  • Do you have tech support in place?

These questions will help you set up your video systems in your conference room correctly the first time.

Innovative Employee Communications Technology in Conference Rooms

There is no end to the technology that you can use to upgrade your company’s conference room capabilities. Some such upgrades include:

  • Vocally controlled systems that let you begin and finish virtual meetings with a word,
  • Facial recognition software,
  • Programs that allow hundreds of people on a call with full support and collaborative capability,
  • Cameras that shift automatically to focus on the person speaking for more natural shifting of attention and engagement, and
  • Smart windows which can keep meetings private or automatically stop light from causing a distracting screen glare.

Other Ways to Include Video Communications in Your Corporate Strategy

Video capability is an important part of any corporate strategy and can upgrade your conference room. Your company can use video to phase out boring email announcements in favor of cutting-edge digital postcards. A well-done video presentation on your website, social media page, or in a sales pitch can be written and adjusted to perfectly reflect your corporate branding and make you stand out from the crowd. Video presentations on employee benefits or important corporate announcements can be simultaneously broadcast to employee desktops all around the globe. Let’s face it - if your company is going to keep up in this business climate it’s time to focus on your video communication strategy.

Elizabeth Woodard

Liz Woodard is an office veteran who's fascinated by office dynamics and believes that applied behavioral psychology can go far towards managing a company well. Find her at http://www.lizwoodard.com/.

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